
EOMES Antibody, anti-mouse, APC, REAfinity™,130-123-819,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 1475.78 / 件
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订货号 2UZ4383
品牌型号 130-123-819
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

Clone REA116 recognizes EOMES, also known as T-box brain protein 2 (TBr2) or eomesodermin. EOMES is a 72–74 kDa T-box transcription factor and plays a crucial role in development including trophoblast differentiation, gastrulation, brain development, and cell-mediated immunity in adults. EOMES lacking embryos are arrested at the blastocyst stage due to differentiation defects of the trophoectoderm. As a regulator of cell mediated immunity, expression of EOMES is shown to be increased in effector CD8+ T cells, in response to infection. Further, EOMES including its paralogue T-bet are suggested to be involved in NK cell maturation.

Additional information: Clone REA116 displays negligible binding to Fc receptors.

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