
CD85k (ILT3) Antibody, anti-human, PE-Vio® 615, REAfinity™,130-129-484,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 2269.04 / 件
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订货号 9NS9917
品牌型号 130-129-484
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

Clone REA141 recognizes CD85k, a member of regulatory immune receptor family, also known as leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILRs/LIRs), immunoglobulin-like transcripts (ILTs), or CD85 family. CD85k is a type I membrane protein with two extracellular Ig-like domains, intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIM) and is expressed on monocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages. In addition, suppressor T cells induce the expression of CD85k on antigen presenting cells.

Additional information: Clone REA141 displays negligible binding to Fc receptors.

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Technical specifications
