
QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro UDI Set D (96),333485,Qiagen,凯杰

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订货号 8AR7336
品牌型号 333485
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description
QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Custom Panels set a new standard for NGS genotyping. Major innovations within this new chemistry provide improved ease-of-use, efficiency and expanded variant analysis. This highly optimized DNA target enrichment technology offers an automation-friendly solution that simultaneously facilitates ultrasensitive variant detection using integrated unique molecular indices (UMIs). It is a powerful tool for the detection of genetic variations including somatic mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variation and small insertions/deletions. In addition to our catalog panels, fully customized designs are easily created. Kits are optimized for use with our QIAseq Targeted Pro Panel Unique Dual-Index primers for use with Illumina sequencing systems, as well as Ion-compatible adapters for sequencing on Ion platforms.

产品特点 Features
  • Less than 6 hours total turnaround time to go from setup to sequencing
  • Flexibility to multiplex QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Custom libraries with other chemistries
  • New enzymatic process for preventing adapter and primer carryover contamination, eliminating time-consuming bead purifications
  • Reveal structural variants with breakpoints defined at the nucleotide level that span multiple exons, in addition to SNPs and indels

产品应用 Applications

QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Custom Panels can be used to call a variety of DNA variants from a wide range of sample types for many applications.

DNA variants:

  • SNVs
  • Small indels
  • CNVs
  • Select structural variants with well-characterized breakpoints
  • Loss of heterozygosity (LOH)

Sample types:

  • FFPE
  • Plasma/serum
  • Fresh or frozen tissue
  • Cell lines


  • Profiling of DNA variants in solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
  • Hotspot detection in solid tumors
  • Examination of variants in mitochondrial DNA
