
CD16 MicroBeads, human,130-045-701,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 9119.10 / 件
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订货号 7UX3185
品牌型号 130-045-701
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

CD16 MicroBeads have been developed for the isolation of eosinophils by depletion of neutrophils from granulocyte-enriched cell fractions from peripheral blood. Alternatively, neutrophils can be isolated by positive selection. Peripheral blood and various tissues (e.g., bone marrow, nasal tissue) are suitable cell sources.

Detailed product information

Background information

The CD16 antigen, which is a low-affinity Fc receptor for aggregated IgG, is expressed on neutrophils, NK cells, and macrophages. CD16 MicroBeads have also been used to deplete NK cells.

Downstream applications

Eosinophils isolated with CD16 MicroBeads are used for the functional analysis of surface molecules1,3 or for studies on signal transduction7, chemotaxis1,6, cytokine expression3,5, degranulation4, and apoptosis7.


LD, CS, D, or autoMACS® Columns.
