
CD95 (FAS)-FITC, human,130-124-214,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 4200.21 / 件
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订货号 7FT7063
品牌型号 130-124-214
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

CD95, also known as FAS or Apo-1, is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFR) and is found on the surface of many normal and neoplastically transformed cells. Its ligand, CD95L (FASL/Apo-1L), is able to induce apoptosis in CD95-expressing cells upon binding. CD95 and CD95L are up-regulated on lymphocytes upon activation and are known to play a key role in the regulation of an inflammatory response: Juxtocrine “fratricide” of neighbouring lymphocytes via mutual CD95 and CD95L expression helps to terminate immune responses, while apoptosis of pro-inflammatory cells via CD95 helps maintain immune privilege in sites such as the eye, where CD95L is found to be expressed in the retina and cornea. Cross-linking of CD95 receptors by DX2 monoclonal antibody has been described to induce apoptosis in certain target cells.

Alternative names

FAS, ALPS1A, APO-1, Apt1, FAS1, FASTM, Tnfrsf6

Technical specifications
