
CD49b Antibody, anti-human, FITC, REAlease®,130-127-257,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 4993.47 / 件
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订货号 6HL1129
品牌型号 130-127-257
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

Clone REAL715 is an antibody fragment derived from the full CD49b antibody molecule. It displays no binding to Fc receptors. The recombinantly engineered antibody fragments are multimerized to form the REAlease Complex to bind markers with high avidity.

Clone REAL715 recognizes CD49b, also known as Integrin α2 chain. CD49b is single-pass, 150 KDa, type I membrane protein. Together with integrin β1 (CD29), CD49b forms the VLA-2 receptor, which binds ligands such as collagen, fibrinogen and laminin and thus mediate the attachment of several cell types to extracellular matrix. Expression of CD49b is found on lymphocytes, activated T cells, monocytes, epithelial cells and platelets.

The REAlease Kits consist of the respective fluorochrome-conjugated REAlease Complexes and the REAlease Support Kit for removal of the REAlease Complexes and optional relabeling with different fluorochrome-conjugated REAlease Complexes.

Alternative names

α2 integrin, Itga2, BR, gpIa, HPA-5, VLA-2, VLAA2, Itga2, VLA-2α

Technical specifications
