
CD94 Antibody, anti-human, PE-Vio® 770, REAfinity™,130-124-063,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 2269.04 / 件
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订货号 4AG8995
品牌型号 130-124-063
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

The clone REA113 recognizes CD94, an approximately 45 kDa, single-pass type II transmembrane protein, which belongs to the C-type lectin superfamily. CD94 associates covalently with NKG2 family members and forms disulfide bonded heterodimers. CD94-NKG2 receptors bind HLA-E, the non-classical MHC class Ib molecule. Depending on the associated NKG2 member, CD94-NKG2 heterodimer transmits either activating or inhibitory signal. For, e.g, via immunoreceptor tyrosine based-inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) containing NKG2A, CD94-NKG2A heterodimers inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity. Besides NK cells, expression of CD94-NKG2 heterodimers is also shown on NK-T cells and a small percentage of CD8 cells in mice, where the crosslinking of CD94-NKG2 was shown to reduce the level of spontaneous apoptosis.

Additional information: Clone REA113 displays negligible binding to Fc receptors.

Alternative names

KLRD1, Kp43

Technical specifications
