
Anti-HA-APC, GG8-1F3.3.1, 30 tests,130-123-639,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 1928.91 / 件
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订货号 3PS1503
品牌型号 130-123-639
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description

The monoclonal Anti-HA antibody facilitates the fast and convenient detection of HA-tagged fusion proteins, expressed in either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. The antibody is available as a conjugate with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), fluorochromes, or biotin for fast and convenient analysis of HA-tagged fusion proteins. Conjugation of the Anti-HA antibody to HRP simplifies Western blot or ELISA analysis as the incubation with secondary antibodies becomes dispensable. Flurochrome-conjugated Anti-HA antibodies enable direct flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy analyses, while indirect fluorescent labeling of HA fusion protein expressing cells is possible with the biotin-conjugated antibody. After incubation the Anti-HA-HRP antibody can be directly detected using commercially available chemiluminescent reagents.

The monoclonal Anti-HA antibody specifically recognizes proteins that are tagged with the HA epitope (YPYDVPDYA).

Technical specifications
