
QIAseq FastSelect -rRNA HMR Kit (8),334385,Qiagen,凯杰

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订货号 0BA1879
品牌型号 334385
货期 45个工作日
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits use a novel method to remove highly abundant RNA that is of low scientific value from your RNA-seq libraries. Researchers using RNA-seq for whole transcriptome analysis can use QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR to remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA, while researchers starting with blood samples can use QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin to remove both rRNA and globin mRNA. For researchers who are enriching for mRNA from blood, and only want to remove globin mRNA, we recommend QIAseq FastSelect –Globin. QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits remove more unwanted RNA and are 30% faster than our previous kit versions. Analyze RNA-seq data with ease using the GeneGlobe-integrated RNA-seq Analysis Portal – an intuitive, web-based data analysis solution created for biologists and included with this QIAseq Kit. We recommend using QIAseq Stranded RNA Library Kits, robust strand-specific RNA library prep kits, for high-quality and highly fragmented samples, such as FFPE. Design your own custom QIAseq FastSelect pools to remove any RNAs you wish from your RNA-seq library – take a look at our QIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal Kits. Want to try the QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit for the first time? Request a trial kit to evaluate.

产品特点 Features
  • Compatible with QIAGEN, Illumina, NEB and KAPA stranded RNA-seq library kits
  • Single reagent for human, mouse, rat and other mammalian species
  • High-performance rRNA and/or globin removal in just 14 minutes
  • Only one pipetting step – combine QIAseq FastSelect reagent with RNA and incubate
  • No extra cleanup steps or NGS library protocol changes

产品应用 Applications

QIAseq FastSelect delivers rapid, reliable RNA removal from FFPE and fresh sample RNA sources. QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits are available in a variety of different formats and sizes to suit your specific applications.
