
QIAseq UPX Cell Lysis Kit (6 ml),333076,Qiagen,凯杰

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订货号 0BA1403
品牌型号 333076
货期 45个工作日
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kits enable high-throughput gene expression analysis from cell lysates and isolated total RNA. Each kit is enough for 96 or 384 libraries with kit formats comprised of either 96-well multi-break plates or 384-well single-use plates with reverse transcription primers already lyophilized in the bottom of the plates for ease of use. To build libraries for RNA-seq, simply add cells or up to 10 ng of total RNA to reconstitute a reverse transcription reaction. After cDNA synthesis, combine each plate into a single tube to complete the library preparation. All reagents necessary for starting with cells (such as lysis reagents) or RNA are included in the kit. Analyze 3’ RNA-seq data with ease using the GeneGlobe-integrated RNA-seq Analysis Portal – an intuitive, web-based data analysis solution created for biologists and included with QIAseq UPX 3’ Transcriptome Kits. Want to try this solution for the first time? Request a quote for a trial kit.

产品特点 Features
  • Start with 10 pg to 10 ng of isolated total RNA, cell lysates
  • UPX tagging allows 4608–18,432 samples per single sequencing lane
  • UMIs eliminate library amplification bias for accurate gene expression
  • LNA-enhanced chemistry for increased accuracy, specificity and sensitivity
  • Includes access to the RNA-seq Analysis Portal for human, mouse and rat samples

产品应用 Applications
  • High-throughput screening applications (e.g., toxicology research)
  • Differential gene expression analysis
