
QuantiFast Pathogen RT-PCR +IC Kit (400),211454,Qiagen,凯杰

销售价: ¥ 13000.00 / 件
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订货号 0BA0606
品牌型号 211454
货期 45个工作日
最小订货量 1件
产品介绍 Product Description
QuantiFast Pathogen +IC Kits使用序列特异性探针,可灵敏、快速的对病原体核酸进行real-time PCR或一步法RT-PCR检测。该试剂盒含有检测4个用户定义的病原体核酸(如:病毒、细菌、真菌等)所需的试剂和内参,可对阴性结果进行正确解读,提高了检测灵敏度。该试剂盒有两种规格。QuantiFast Pathogen RT-PCR +IC Kit含有RNA内参模板和内参引物/探针对,用于检测病毒RNA。QuantiFast Pathogen PCR +IC Kit含有DNA内参模板和内参引物/探针对,用于检测病毒、细菌或真菌DNA。这两种试剂盒均提供分装在两个管中的不同浓度的ROX染料,因此适用于多种real-time PCR仪。为便于使用,预混液可存放在2–8°C。

产品特点 Features
  • 同时检测目标病原体和内参
  • 5x预混液具有更高的灵敏度,且起始样本量更大
  • 正确解读阴性信号,检测灵敏度更高
  • 清晰检测微弱的阳性信号
  • 快速的通用型实验方案适用于标准和快速PCR仪

技术参数 Specifications
ApplicationsPathogen Detection: Real-time PCR of viral, bacterial or fungal DNA (QuantiFast Pathogen PCR +IC Kit) or one-step RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA (QuantiFast Pathogen RT-PCR +IC Kit)
Sample/target typeQuantiFast Pathogen PCR +IC Kit: viral, bacterial or fungal DNA; QuantiFast Pathogen RT-PCR +IC Kit: viral RNA
Single or multiplexDuplex
Reaction typeReal-time PCR or one-step RT-PCR including of an internal control (IC)
Real-time or endpointReal-time
SYBR Green I or sequence-specific probesSequence-specific probes
Thermal cyclerFor most standard and fast real-time cylcers compatible with duplex PCR/RT-PCR, e.g. Rotor-Gene Q or cyclers from Agilent, Applied Biosystems, BioRad, Roche
With or without ROXMaster Mix is provided without ROX dye, but 2 separate ROX solutions are included: High-ROX Dye Solution for use with ABI cyclers except ABI 7500, ROX Dye Solution (low ROX conc.) for use with ABI 7500 and other suppliers

产品应用 Applications

QuantiFast Pathogen +IC Kits利用序列特异性探针进行灵敏的real-time PCR或一步法RT-PCR,检测病原体DNA和/或RNA,以及内参。该试剂盒适用于多种real-time PCR仪,包括QIAGEN、Applied Biosystems、Bio-Rad、Roche和Agilent的仪器。
